Heart of evil half life
Heart of evil half life

  • Evil Laugh: Sergeant Kilmore does one when promising Percy that he will come and "rescue" him.
  • Everything Trying to Kill You: Oh, where do we begin? From rogue US troops to zombies to the VC/NVA to gorrilas to pretty much anything else that isn't wearing a Tigerstripe uniform.
  • Every Helicopter Is a Huey/ Hellish Copter: Many of them are fought throughout the mod, and before the player has to take them down, Percy witnesses the Viet Cong destroying them.
  • Escort Mission: Aside from having Barney throughout the whole game which feels like it, Percy frees a MIKE soldier from a prison.
  • Kurtz is a Green Beret and his non-zombie mooks are SOG snipers.
  • Elites Are More Glamorous: The player, Barney, and his allies are MIKE Force soldiers.
  • Enemy Chatter: "Stay alert for the Yankee Pig.".
  • Driven to Suicide: If Barney dies, the screen fades to black and tells us that Percy commits Hara-Kiri in shame.
  • heart of evil half life

  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: One is heard shouting at his recruits and forcing them to do push-ups in the barracks early in the game.
  • Distressed Dude: Both Percy and Barney becomes captured at different points, and has to be rescued by the other.
  • Decapitation Presentation: Done with Barney's head.
  • Deadly Lunge: The gorillas love to pounce at the player.
  • Colonel Kilgore: Sergeant Kilmore, being an expy of the Trope Namer.
  • Chainsaw Good: Beside the shotgun loaded with power rounds, the chainsaw is the only other weapon that can quickly take down the very damage-resistant zombies.
  • Captain Crash: Barney is good at driving trucks, but not a plane.
  • Cave Behind the Falls: The cave in this case leads to one of the Viet Cong's many underground tunnels.
  • And pretty much anything infected by the parasite-like things.
  • Black Comedy: It's quiet obvious that the mod, both the original and the Napalm Edition, doesn't take itself too seriously.
  • By this point however, the zombies had ran out of food to eat, dying from hunger, indicating that nearly all of humanity has been wiped out.
  • In the Napalm Edition, it's revealed that Kilmore killed Freeman, becoming the zombies' new leader.
  • Mad with power, he lets the zombies take over the world.

    heart of evil half life heart of evil half life

    When Percy finally kills Kurtz, he takes the position as the new leader of the zombies.

  • Bittersweet Ending/ Cruel Twist Ending: Kurtz kills Barney, who becomes a zombie.
  • Battle in the Rain: The penultimate episode.
  • Both times it is when Percy gets captured. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

    Heart of evil half life